lunes, 3 de mayo de 2010

In the Islam, values are immersed in commerce, even if it is electronic.

Something to highlight from islamic culture is the fact that they live their religion in all the aspects of their lives. They do not separate their believes from their daily activities, as many chrsitian and catholic, western do, which preach peace, justice, honesty and mainly LOVE but contradictorily, their behavior is based on another set of values such as competitiveness, law of the fittest, rethoric (persuasion and disuasion instead of tolerance and respect) and mainly SELFISHNESS. At this point god would be on another level, he/she/it is not immerse in peoples lives and his/her/its role is more of a punisher than a guide.

For me, the islamic way of living has an completely sense and that’s why I think if we westerns lived our lives according to our religions, our companies and way of living and doing business would be really different and there would not be so many unlucky people.

Muslims do not separate their religion and its values from their commercial relations, not even if it they are electronic, and that is why they ask for so many exlpicit especifications and warnings in these ways of doing business, commercializing and negotiating, not even if they are bargaining. On the contrary, we, westerns are all the time thinking about that the other should thing like us and have the same expectations and wishes when doing a business and some things like false adevertisements and misrepresenations are not seen as terrible as muslims see them.

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